:: Visual Foxpro, Foxpro for DOS
Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
I'm trying to use try/catch with update/insert commands and I have triggers in the database.
My code is very simple:
IF NOT SEEK(m.lcTrans_Employees_Queues_pk,"updSchedules", "CEMPQUE_FK")
INSERT INTO updSchedules (cTrans_Employees_Queues_fk, cDiary_Code_fk, tScheduled_Time, iActive_At_Day_Start_Flag) ;
(m.lcTrans_Employees_Queues_pk, .NULL., m.ttTime, 1)
llFailure = .T.
* This account is already scheduled - should not happen
lcError = "The account " + m.lcTrans_Employees_Queues_pk + " is already scheduled!"

However, instead of my error I'm getting "Procedure Canceled". Is it a known bug?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Владимир Максимов

Сообщений: 14100
Откуда: Москва
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2000

Создал табличку

CREATE TABLE table1 (DateCreate T)
Сделал для нее триггер на вставку

Function _trigger_test
Return .F.
Написал код в командном окне

Insert into table3 (datecreate) values (Datetime())

Все прошло "штатно". Получил "error"

Далее изменил код триггера на такой

Function _trigger_test
Return .F.
Return .F.

При попытке выполнения кода получил ошибку "Procedure Canceled".

Опять изменяю код триггера на

Function _trigger_test
Local llSuccess
llSuccess = .F.
Error 12
llSuccess = .T.
llSuccess = .F.
Return m.llSuccess
Все проходит успешно!

Следовательно. Ошибка возникает, если внутри вложенной Try...Catch есть команды RETURN.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
Very good observation! May be you're right. In my trigger (actually, it's Steve Sayer's trigger _ri_handler) there are RETURN statements. There is also ON ERROR inside the trigger. So, all of them together may cause this problem. Yesterday I made some changes in the _ri_handler, so it would not fail if I'm passing NULLs for the foreign keys. Now my code works fine as it is, e.g. I'm not getting an error. But my trigger is not returning .f. I may try to pass the wrong FK in order for this trigger to fail and I bet I would have the same "procedure canceled" error. So, I think, if the trigger tries to RETURN .f., it gives this error. Do you think it's a VFP bug? Can you or somebody else test it in VFP9?

Thanks a lot again. You're very helpful.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
I've created a new thread RI builder - what we had discovered Thread #1000705 Message #1000705 in UniversalThread, where I put all my thoughts on the matter. Take a look, please.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Владимир Максимов

Сообщений: 14100
Откуда: Москва
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2000
Дело не в том, что возвращается RETURN .F., а сам принцип: во вложенном Try...Catch встречается команда RETURN. Я изменил код триггера на такой:

Function _trigger_test
Return .T.
Return .F.
Все-равно выскакивает "Procedure Canceled".

Вообще-то, лично я стараюсь по возможности делать только одну точку выхода из процедуры (только одну команду RETURN)

Проверил в VFP9 (release). В нем такой проблемы нет. Все работает нормально. Т.е., скорее всего, это действительно bug VFP8, который "по тихому" исправили в 9 версии.

Кстати, сделал простейшую программку


И в VFP8 и в VFP9 это вызывает ошибку. Т.е. команда RETURN внутри конструкции Try...Catch - это запрещенная команда. Хотя, об этом не сказано ни слова в HELP

PS: На UT я стараюсь вообще не заходить. Мне очень тяжело читать по английски.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003

Thanks a lot. I'm going to think about all of this during this weekend. Didn't do anything useful for the whole day anyway
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Igor Korolyov

Сообщений: 34580
Дата регистрации: 28.05.2002
Hi Владимир!

Раздел хелпа Structured Error Handling есть и в хелпе от 8-ки и от 9-ке.
Там явно прописан запрет на использование RETURN внутри конструкции TRY (во всех 3-х её частях).
А ошибка Procedure Canceled судя по всему генерируется тогда, когда в ХП некому обработать ошибку (в частности размещение RETURN внутри TRY производит ошибку в контексте "ВНЕ" этого блока). т.е. обработать её некому - а значит процедуру по тихому "убивают".

P.S. Со старой схемой "ON ERROR" внутри ХП очевидно уже пора покончить - т.к. она НЕ работает во многих случаях вызова кода этой самой ХП... А вот TRY CATCH - это самое то, но только безукоризненно написанные! Т.е. не генерирующие ошибки сами по себе! Ибо ошибки в обработчике ошибок тогда уже некому будет ловить... (Или есть кому, но крайне убого и совершенно неправильно! т.е. не отражая самой сути возникшей ошибки)

WBR, Igor
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
Спасибо. Я думаю, я буду переписывать _ri_Handler и попробую избежать всех этих проблем.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
I am thinking, may be we can create a nice 100% bullet-proof _ri_handler? I'm looking at home.twmi.rr.com and the link to here from that link. Still that code needs couple of improvements. I'm going to work on it today and then will post it here so we all can come up with the good generic RI builder. I have another idea. In some cases we need to allow NULLs to be FK and in some we don't. So, my RI builder should have additional flag for that and a parameter.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Igor Korolyov

Сообщений: 34580
Дата регистрации: 28.05.2002
Hi Nadya_N!

В общем случае триггер и не должен проверять на NULL - т.е. он должен работать исходя из ДОПУСТИМОСТИ NULL в FK - а если реально там NULL не допустим - то это должно отлавливаться ограничением NOT NULL на поле FK.
Вот что IMHO стоит добавить в RI - так это действие Nullify (зануление FK при смене/удалении PK), проверку (и по возможности поддержание хотя-бы каких-то действий) для ситуации рекурсивной связи (самосвязанная таблица).

WBR, Igor
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
Bellow is the code I have so far. I would appreciate your comments and suggestions as how to improve it and fix it. I would prefer to be able to avoid macros and define constants, because I want to make it Ole DB/ODBC compatible. Anyway, here is a first attempt, you may critigue it (but try to be nice < g > )
**__RI_HEADER!@ Do NOT REMOVE or MODIFY this line!@!__RI_HEADER**
* Steve Sawyer - Updated 11/22/1999
* Carl Karsten - Updated 12/15/1999
* Doug Hennig - Updated 02/18/2000
* Program...........: NEWRI.PRG
* Author............: Jzanus Dev Team
* Project...........: Visual Collections
* Created...........: 04/04/2005 14:28:19
* Copyright.........: (c) Jzanus LTD, 2005
*) Description.......:
* Calling Samples...:
* Parameter List....:
* Major change list.:
* Known limitations:
* - Cascading updates and deletes for self-joins cause an "illegal recursion"
* error because the RI code tries to update or delete records in the same
* table the trigger is fired for, which VFP doesn't allow (all other
* rules for self-joins are handled correctly)
* - Compound keys aren't supported
function __RI_Handler(tcTriggerType)
**-- CHANGE - NN - April 04, 2005 - 14:30:12 - added a new global variable
if vartype(m.glDontUseTriggers)="L" and m.glDontUseTriggers
return && Don't do any validations
local lcTable, ;
lcAlias, ;
lcRecordState, ;
lcTriggerType, ;
laUsed[1], ;
lcExact, ;
lcANSI, ;
lcDeleted, ;
lcError, ;
lcOldDBC, ;
lcDBC, ;
laRelations[1], ;
lnRelations, ;
lcRIInfo, ;
lcParent, ;
lcChild, ;
lcParentKeyExp, ;
lcChildKeyExp, ;
luOldKey, ;
luNewKey, ;
luOldFK, ;
luNewFK, ;
laTables[1], ;
* Define some constants that'll make the code easier to read.
#define cnCHILDCOL 1
* The column in the relations array for the child table
#define cnPARENTCOL 2
* The column in the relations array for the parent table
#define cnCHILDKEYCOL 3
* The column in the relations array for the child tag
#define cnPARENTKEYCOL 4
* The column in the relations array for the parent tag
#define cnRIINFOCOL 5
* The column in the relations array for the RI information
#define cnRIINFO_UPDATE 1
* The position in the RI information for the update rule
#define cnRIINFO_DELETE 2
* The position in the RI information for the delete rule
#define cnRIINFO_INSERT 3
* The position in the RI information for the insert rule
* GETFLDSTATE() 1 = the field is unchanged
#define ccFLDSTATE_EDITDEL '2'
* GETFLDSTATE() 2 = the record was edited or deletion status changed
* GETFLDSTATE() 3 = a new unchanged field or new undeleted record
* GETFLDSTATE() 3 = a new changed field or new deleted record
#define cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED 1539
* Trigger failed error number
* Get the name of the table the trigger was fired for and determine what type
* of trigger was fired.
lcTable = upper(cursorgetprop('SourceName'))
lcAlias = alias()
lcRecordState = getfldstate(-1)
do case
* If the trigger was passed, use it.
case vartype(m.tcTriggerType) = 'C' and not empty(m.tcTriggerType)
lcTriggerType = upper(m.tcTriggerType)
* If the deletion status was changed and the record is deleted, this is a
* "DELETE" trigger.
case left(m.lcRecordState, 1) = ccFLDSTATE_EDITDEL and deleted()
lcTriggerType = 'DELETE'
* If the deletion status was changed and the record is not deleted, it was
* just recalled, so this is an "INSERT" trigger.
case left(m.lcRecordState, 1) = ccFLDSTATE_EDITDEL
lcTriggerType = 'INSERT'
* If this is a new record, this is an "INSERT" trigger.
case ccFLDSTATE_NEWUNCHANGED $ m.lcRecordState or ;
lcTriggerType = 'INSERT'
* Some field in the table has been changed, so this is an "UPDATE" trigger.
case ccFLDSTATE_EDITDEL $ m.lcRecordState
lcTriggerType = 'UPDATE'
* Carl Karsten found a weird bug in VFP: if you have a table with a memo field
* and delete a record such that the subsequent records have to be physically
* moved when you PACK, the "UPDATE" trigger for the table fires when you move
* the record pointer or close the table. In that case, we'll ignore it.
case m.lcRecordState = replicate(ccFLDSTATE_NEWUNCHANGED, len(m.lcRecordState))
* If we're at the top trigger level, start a transaction, create an error flag
* and array variables, get a snapshot of open tables, and set up the
* environment the way we need it.
if _triggerlevel = 1
begin transaction
private plError
plError = .f.
release gaErrors
public gaErrors[1, 12]
lcExact = set('EXACT')
lcANSI = set('ANSI')
lcDeleted = set('DELETED')
lcError = on('ERROR')
set exact on
set ansi on
set deleted on
on error LogRIError(error(),message()) &&plError = .t.
if vartype(m.plError) = "L" and m.plError
** Error occurred
* Select the database the table belongs to and get an array of relations.
lcOldDBC = iif(empty(dbc()), '', '"' + dbc() + '"')
lcDBC = cursorgetprop('Database')
set database to (m.lcDBC)
lnRelations = adbobjects(laRelations, 'RELATION')
local lnTParent, lnTChild, lnI, lcChildTag, lcParentTag
store 0 to lnTParent, lnTChild
store "" to lcParentKeyExp, lcChildKeyExp
** First search in the parent column
lnTParent = ascan(laRelations, m.lcTable, m.lnTParent + 1, ;
m.lnRelations , cnPARENTCOL, 8)
do while between(m.lnTParent,1,m.lnRelations) and not m.plError
lnI = m.lnTParent
lcParent = laRelations[m.lnI, cnPARENTCOL]
lcChild = laRelations[m.lnI, cnCHILDCOL]
lcRules = upper(laRelations[m.lnI, cnRIINFOCOL])
lcParentTag = laRelations[m.lnI, cnPARENTKEYCOL]
lcChildTag = laRelations[m.lnI, cnCHILDKEYCOL]
do case
* If this is an update trigger and this relation has our table as the parent,
* let's process it. We'll ignore it if the RI rule is empty or "ignore".
case m.lcTriggerType = 'UPDATE' and m.lcParent = m.lcTable
lcRIInfo = substr(m.lcRules, cnRIINFO_UPDATE, 1)
if not empty(m.lcRIInfo) and m.lcRIInfo <> 'I'
lcParentKeyExp = key(tagno(laRelations[m.lnI, cnPARENTKEYCOL], ;
'', m.lcAlias), m.lcAlias)
lcChildKeyExp = GetKeyIndexExp(m.lcChild, ;
laRelations[m.lnI, cnCHILDKEYCOL])
luOldKey = oldval(m.lcParentKeyExp)
luNewKey = evaluate(m.lcParentKeyExp)
* If this is a self-join, we may have an update trigger because the FK field
* in the "child" copy of the table was changed (which really is an insert
* trigger), so let's handle it if we have a restrict insert rule. The reason
* we don't handle it in a CASE below is that the user may have changed both
* the parent and foreign key fields.
if m.lcParent == m.lcChild
luOldFK = oldval(m.lcChildKeyExp)
luNewFK = evaluate(m.lcChildKeyExp)
if m.luOldFK <> m.luNewFK and ;
substr(m.lcRules, cnRIINFO_INSERT, 1) = 'R'
Restrict_Insert(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luNewFK, m.lcTriggerType, m.lcParentTag )
endif luOldFK <> luNewFK ...
endif lcParent = lcChild
do case
* The parent key wasn't changed or an error occurred, so we have nothing to do.
case m.plError or m.luOldKey = m.luNewKey
* If the parent key has been changed, call the appropriate function, depending
* on whether this is a cascade or restrict rule.
case m.lcRIInfo = 'C'
Cascade_Update(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luOldKey, m.luNewKey)
case m.lcRIInfo = 'R'
Restrict_Update(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luOldKey, m.luNewKey, m.lcChildTag)
endif not empty(lcRIInfo) ...
* If this is a delete trigger and this relation has our table as the parent,
* let's process it. We'll ignore it if the RI rule is empty or "ignore".
case m.lcTriggerType = 'DELETE' and m.lcParent == m.lcTable
lcRIInfo = substr(m.lcRules, cnRIINFO_DELETE, 1)
if not empty(m.lcRIInfo) and m.lcRIInfo <> 'I'
lcParentKeyExp = key(tagno(laRelations[m.lnI, cnPARENTKEYCOL], ;
'', m.lcAlias), m.lcAlias)
lcChildKeyExp = GetKeyIndexExp(m.lcChild, ;
laRelations[m.lnI, cnCHILDKEYCOL])
luKey = evaluate(m.lcParentKeyExp)
* Call the appropriate function, depending on whether this is a cascade or
* restrict rule.
do case
case m.lcRIInfo = 'C'
Cascade_Delete(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luKey)
case m.lcRIInfo = 'R'
Restrict_Delete(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luKey, m.lcChildTag)
endif not empty(lcRIInfo) ...
lnTParent = ascan(laRelations, m.lcTable, m.lnI + 1, ;
m.lnRelations - (m.lnI + 1), cnPARENTCOL, 8)
** Now do the same for the child column
lnTChild = ascan(laRelations, m.lcTable, m.lnTChild + 1, m.lnRelations , cnCHILDCOL, 8)
do while m.lnTChild > 0 and not m.plError
lnI = m.lnTChild
lcParent = laRelations[m.lnI, cnPARENTCOL]
lcChild = laRelations[m.lnI, cnCHILDCOL]
lcRules = upper(laRelations[m.lnI, cnRIINFOCOL])
lcParentTag = laRelations[m.lnI, cnPARENTKEYCOL]
lcChildTag = laRelations[m.lnI, cnCHILDKEYCOL]
* If this relation has our table as the child, let's process it. We'll only
* process a "restrict" rule in either an insert or update trigger.
*case lcChild = lcTable
lcRIInfo = substr(m.lcRules, cnRIINFO_INSERT, 1)
if m.lcRIInfo = 'R'
lcParentKeyExp = GetKeyIndexExp(m.lcParent, ;
laRelations[m.lnI, cnPARENTKEYCOL])
lcChildKeyExp = key(tagno(laRelations[m.lnI, cnCHILDKEYCOL], ;
'', m.lcAlias), m.lcAlias)
luKey = evaluate(m.lcChildKeyExp)
* If this is an insert trigger or if it's an update trigger and the foreign key
* has changed, call the Restrict_Insert function to ensure the foreign key
* exists in the parent table.
if m.lcTriggerType <> 'UPDATE' or oldval(m.lcChildKeyExp) <> m.luKey
Restrict_Insert(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luKey, m.lcTriggerType, m.lcParentTag)
endif lcTriggerType <> 'UPDATE' ...
endif lcRIInfo = 'R'
lnTChild = ascan(laRelations, m.lcTable, m.lnI + 1, ;
m.lnRelations - (m.lnI + 1), cnCHILDCOL, 8)
* If we're at the top trigger level, either end the transaction or roll it
* back, depending on whether the trigger succeeded or not, close any tables we
* opened, restore the things we changed, and return whether we succeeded or
* not.
if not empty(m.lcOldDBC)
set database to (m.lcOldDBC)
if _triggerlevel = 1
if m.plError
end transaction
endif plError
lnTables = aused(laTables)
for lnI = 1 to m.lnTables
lcTable = laTables[m.lnI, 1]
if not empty(m.lcTable) and ascan(laUsed, m.lcTable) = 0
use in (m.lcTable)
endif not empty(lcTable) ...
next lnI
if m.lcExact = "OFF"
set exact off
if m.lcANSI = "OFF"
set ansi off
if m.lcDeleted = "OFF"
set deleted off
on error &lcError
* If we're not at the top trigger level, return .T. so we don't trigger an
* error yet.
endif _triggerlevel = 1
return not m.plError
* Determine the key expression for the specified tag.
function GetKeyIndexExp(tcTable, ;
local lcTable, ;
lcTable = strtran(m.tcTable, ' ', '_')
if not used(m.lcTable)
use (m.tcTable) again in 0 shared alias (m.lcTable)
endif not used(lcTable)
lcIndexExp = key(tagno(m.tcTag, '', m.lcTable), m.lcTable)
return m.lcIndexExp
* Cascade update function: change the foreign key field in all child records
* that belong to the parent record.
function Cascade_Update(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuOldKey, ;
local laError[1]
* Do the cascading update. Log any error that occurred.
if isnull(m.tuOldKey )
update (m.tcChildTable) ;
set &tcChildKey = m.tuNewKey ;
where &tcChildKey is null
update (m.tcChildTable) ;
set &tcChildKey = m.tuNewKey ;
where &tcChildKey = m.tuOldKey
if m.plError
LogRIError(laError[1], laError[2], 'Cascade Update', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuNewKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuOldKey)
endif plError
* Cascade delete function: delete all child records that belong to the parent
* record.
function Cascade_Delete(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuOldKey, ;
local laError[1]
if isnull(m.tuOldKey)
delete ;
from (m.tcChildTable) ;
where &tcChildKey is null
delete ;
from (m.tcChildTable) ;
where &tcChildKey = m.tuOldKey
if m.plError
LogRIError(laError[1], laError[2], 'Cascade Delete', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuNewKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuOldKey)
endif plError
* Restrict delete function: see if there are any records in the specified child
* table matching the specified key in the parent table.
function Restrict_Delete(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuKey, tcTag)
*local laCount[1]
local lcTable
if not isnull(m.tuKey)
lcTable = strtran(m.tcChildTable, ' ', '_')
if not used(m.lcTable)
use (m.tcChildTable) again in 0 shared alias (m.lcTable)
endif not used(lcTable)
if indexseek(m.tuKey, .f., m.lcTable, m.tcTag) && Record exists
*!* select count(*), ;
*!* recno() ;
*!* from (tcChildTable) ;
*!* where &tcChildKey = tuKey ;
*!* into array laCount
*!* if _tally > 0
plError = .t.
LogRIError(cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED, 'Trigger Failed', 'Restrict Delete', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuKey)
endif _tally > 0
* Restrict update function: see if there are any records in the specified child
* table matching the specified key in the parent table.
function Restrict_Update(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuOldKey, ;
tuNewKey, tcTag)
*local laCount[1]
local lcTable
if not isnull(m.tuOldKey)
lcTable = strtran(m.tcChildTable, ' ', '_')
if not used(m.lcTable)
use (m.tcChildTable) again in 0 shared alias (m.lcTable)
endif not used(lcTable)
if indexseek(m.tuOldKey, .f., m.lcTable, m.tcTag) && Record exists
*!* select count(*), ;
*!* recno() ;
*!* from (tcChildTable) ;
*!* where &tcChildKey = tuOldKey ;
*!* into array laCount
*!* if _tally > 0
plError = .t.
LogRIError(cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED, 'Trigger Failed', 'Restrict Update', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuNewKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuOldKey)
endif _tally > 0
* Restrict insert function: ensure a record in the parent table for the foreign
* key exists.
* CFK - 5/28
* Or if the foreign key is null, no parent record is needed.
* The logic is this:
* if you specify in the dbc that a child cannot exist with out a parent,
* you can laxly enforce that by allowing nulls in that feild
* and this code will allow that setting to be overridden
* by setting the forign key to null
* or,
* you can strictly enforce it by not allowing nulls, and then it will
* pass this test, but fail the "allow nulls" test that the
* database engine enforces.
function Restrict_Insert(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuKey, ;
tcTriggerType, tcTag)
*local laCount[1]
local lcTable
* CFK - 5/28
* If the key is Null, don't check for a parent, let it pass.
if !isnull( m.tuKey )
* If no rows in the parent table match the foreign key, SELECT COUNT(*) will
* always return one row, so _TALLY = 1; SELECT COUNT(*), (more fields) will not
* return a row. Therefore, we need to check laCount[1] rather than _TALLY.
*!* select count(*) ;
*!* from (tcParentTable) ;
*!* where &tcParentKey = tuKey ;
*!* into array laCount
*!* if laCount[1] = 0
lcTable = strtran(m.tcParentTable, ' ', '_')
if not used(m.lcTable)
use (m.tcParentTable) again in 0 shared alias (m.lcTable)
endif not used(lcTable)
if not indexseek(m.tuKey,.f.,m.lcTable,m.tcTag)
plError = .t.
LogRIError(cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED, 'Trigger Failed', 'Restrict ' + ;
proper(m.tcTriggerType), m.tcParentTable, 0, m.tcParentKey, 'Not Found', ;
m.tcChildTable, iif(used(m.tcChildTable),recno(m.tcChildTable),0), ;
m.tcChildKey, m.tuKey)
endif laCount[1] = 0
endif !isnull( tuKey )
* Log errors to the public gaError array.
procedure LogRIError(tnErrNo, ;
tcMessage, ;
tcCode, ;
tcParentTable, ;
tnParentRec, ;
tcParentExp, ;
tuParentKey, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tnChildRec, ;
tcChildExp, ;
local lnErrorRows, ;
plError = .t.
* Add another row to the error array if necessary.
lnErrorRows = alen(gaErrors, 1)
if type('gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 1]') <> 'L'
lnErrorRows = lnErrorRows + 1
dimension gaErrors[lnErrorRows, alen(gaErrors, 2)]
endif type('gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 1]') <> 'L'
* Log the error information, including the parameters passed to us and the
* program stack.
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 1] = tnErrNo
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 2] = tcMessage
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 3] = evl(tcCode,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 4] = ''
for lnLevel = 1 to program(-1)
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 4] = gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 4] + ',' + ;
next lnLevel
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 5] = evl(tcParentTable,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 6] = evl(tnParentRec,0)
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 7] = evl(tuParentKey,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 8] = evl(tcParentExp,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 9] = evl(tcChildTable,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 10] = evl(tnChildRec,0)
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 11] = evl(tuChildKey,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 12] = evl(tcChildExp,"")
return tnErrNo
**__RI_FOOTER!@ Do NOT REMOVE or MODIFY this line!@!__RI_FOOTER**

Post Edited (04-05-05 19:07)[/color]

Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Владимир Максимов

Сообщений: 14100
Откуда: Москва
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2000
Для определения типа триггера внутри тела триггера я пользуюсь таким способом

LOCAL lcTypeTrigger
CASE Deleted()
lcTypeTrigger="DELETE" && триггер на удаление
CASE NVL(OldVal("Deleted()"),.T.)
lcTypeTrigger="INSERT" && триггер на вставку
lcTypeTrigger="UPDATE" && триггер на модификацию

Не понял про глюк с мемо-полями. Можно примерчик, когда это происходит?

Остальное чуть попозже посмотрю...
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
Your logic doesn't seem to be 100% correct. What if we change deleted record? This is possible. Regarding memo bug I'm not sure. I took this code from Doug Henning's site and just slightly modified.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Владимир Максимов

Сообщений: 14100
Откуда: Москва
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2000
Дело в том, что триггера срабатывают не всегда.

Ситуации, когда ни один триггер не сработает

  1. Модификация записи, помеченной как удаленная
  2. Снятие и установка метки на удаление в той же записи
  3. В режиме буферизации создание и удаление только что созданной в буфере записи

При этом, изменения в этих записях, тем не менее попадут в таблицу.

Т.е., с точки зрения триггера, запись, помеченная как удаленная, физически не существует. Поэтому и не обрабатывается.

Если как "ДО", так и "После" модификации, с точки зрения триггера, записи не существовало, то нет смысла выполнять какую-то обработку.

Отредактировано (05.04.05 22:23)

Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
Interesting! 1) would mean, that we can put any garbage into already deleted records, right?
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Владимир Максимов

Сообщений: 14100
Откуда: Москва
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2000
Interesting! 1) would mean, that we can put any garbage into already deleted records, right?
ДА! Более того, даже RULE не срабатывают в подобных ситуациях. Запись удалена - и делайте с ней что хотите.
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure canceled
Igor Korolyov

Сообщений: 34580
Дата регистрации: 28.05.2002
Hi Nadya!

IMHO самая серьёзная проблема приведенного кода (как впрочем и кода создаваемого штатным RI Buider-ом) - это обработка ошибок - к сожалению ON ERROR в триггере крайне плохо стыкуется со всеми прочими обработчиками ошибок (они банально перехватывают у него управление)... Идеальным решением было бы использование try ... catch блока в триггере, но вот он то как раз и не позволителен для OLE DB провайдера
Вот и получается замкнутый круг - что хорошо для провайдера - не годится для прямого доступа, и наоборот...

P.S. Не знал, что макро в триггерах не работают через OLE DB провайдер Это существенный минус - теперь понятно, почему RI построитель такой огромный и убогий код делает

WBR, Igor
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Procedure cancelled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003
I think I was actually wrong about macros. At least, I do not see them in the list of unsupported commands. Here is the link:msdn.microsoft.com

BTW, I was trying to optimize that code for quite a while, because it was dog slow. Here is my latest code, I still would very much appreciate all your comments. (In the RI builder I create a table called RIDefinitions, the structure is clear from the code bellow).

**__RI_HEADER!@ Do NOT REMOVE or MODIFY this line!@!__RI_HEADER**
* Steve Sawyer - Updated 11/22/1999
* Carl Karsten - Updated 12/15/1999
* Doug Hennig - Updated 02/18/2000
* Program...........: NEWRI.PRG
* Author............: Jzanus Dev Team
* Project...........: Visual Collections
* Created...........: 04/04/2005 14:28:19
* Copyright.........: (c) Jzanus LTD, 2005
*) Description.......:
* Calling Samples...:
* Parameter List....:
* Major change list.: Switched from scanning array of relations to table based
* Known limitations:
* - Cascading updates and deletes for self-joins cause an "illegal recursion"
* error because the RI code tries to update or delete records in the same
* table the trigger is fired for, which VFP doesn't allow (all other
* rules for self-joins are handled correctly)
* - Compound keys aren't supported
function __RI_Handler(tcTriggerType)
**-- CHANGE - NN - April 04, 2005 - 14:30:12 - added a new global variable
if vartype(m.glDontUseTriggers)="L" and m.glDontUseTriggers
return && Don't do any validations
local lcTable, ;
lcAlias, ;
lcRecordState, ;
lcTriggerType, ;
lcDBC, ;
lcParent, ;
lcChild, ;
lcParentKeyExp, ;
lcChildKeyExp, ;
lcRIInfo, ;
luOldKey, ;
luNewKey, ;
luOldFK, ;
* Get the name of the table the trigger was fired for and determine what type
* of trigger was fired.
lcTable = upper(cursorgetprop('SourceName'))
lcAlias = alias()
lcRecordState = getfldstate(-1)
#define cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED 1539
* Trigger failed error number
* If the trigger was passed, use it.
if vartype(m.tcTriggerType) = 'C' and not empty(m.tcTriggerType)
lcTriggerType = upper(m.tcTriggerType)
* If the deletion status was changed and the record is deleted, this is a
* "DELETE" trigger.
* Define some constants that'll make the code easier to read.
* GETFLDSTATE() 1 = the field is unchanged
* GETFLDSTATE() 2 = the record was edited or deletion status changed
* GETFLDSTATE() 3 = a new unchanged field or new undeleted record
* GETFLDSTATE() 3 = a new changed field or new deleted record
do case
case left(m.lcRecordState, 1) = ccFLDSTATE_EDITDEL and deleted()
lcTriggerType = 'DELETE'
* If the deletion status was changed and the record is not deleted, it was
* just recalled, so this is an "INSERT" trigger.
case left(m.lcRecordState, 1) = ccFLDSTATE_EDITDEL
lcTriggerType = 'INSERT'
* If this is a new record, this is an "INSERT" trigger.
case ccFLDSTATE_NEWUNCHANGED $ m.lcRecordState or ;
lcTriggerType = 'INSERT'
* Some field in the table has been changed, so this is an "UPDATE" trigger.
case ccFLDSTATE_EDITDEL $ m.lcRecordState
lcTriggerType = 'UPDATE'
* Carl Karsten found a weird bug in VFP: if you have a table with a memo field
* and delete a record such that the subsequent records have to be physically
* moved when you PACK, the "UPDATE" trigger for the table fires when you move
* the record pointer or close the table. In that case, we'll ignore it.
case m.lcRecordState = replicate(ccFLDSTATE_NEWUNCHANGED, len(m.lcRecordState))
* If we're at the top trigger level, start a transaction, create an error flag
* and array variables, get a snapshot of open tables, and set up the
* environment the way we need it.
local llManualCleanUp, loSession
llManualCleanUp = .f.
if _triggerlevel = 1
private plError
plError = .f.
release gaErrors
public gaErrors[1, 12]
llManualCleanUp = .t.
private paUsed[1], ;
pcExact, ;
pcANSI, ;
pcDeleted, ;
pcOnEscape, ;
pcError, ;
pcOldDBC, plError
pcExact = set('EXACT')
pcANSI = set('ANSI')
pcDeleted = set('DELETED')
pcError = on('ERROR')
pcOnEscape = on('escape')
* this command is not supported in Ole Db
on escape RICleanUp(.t.)
set exact on
set ansi on
set deleted on
on error LogRIError(error(),message()) &&plError = .t.
begin transaction
if vartype(m.plError) = "L" and m.plError
** Error occurred
pcOldDBC = iif(empty(dbc()), '', '"' + dbc() + '"')
lcDBC = cursorgetprop('Database')
set database to (m.lcDBC)
if not used('RIDefinitions')
use RIDefinitions in 0 && Open table with RI Definitions
local lcChildTag, lcParentTag, lcSearch
store "" to lcParentKeyExp, lcChildKeyExp, lcParentTag
lcSearch = padr(m.lcTable,128)
lcParent = m.lcTable
select RIDefinitions
scan for upper(ParentTB) = m.lcSearch and alltrim(ParentTag)<> m.lcParentTag and not m.plError
lcChild = alltrim(ChildTB)
lcParentTag = alltrim(ParentTag)
lcChildTag = alltrim(ChildTag)
lcChildKeyExp = alltrim(ChildKey)
do case
* If this is an update trigger and this relation has our table as the parent,
* let's process it. We'll ignore it if the RI rule is empty or "ignore".
case m.lcTriggerType = 'UPDATE'
lcRIInfo = UpdTrigger
if not empty(m.lcRIInfo) and m.lcRIInfo <> 'I'
if not alltrim(ParentKey) == m.lcParentKeyExp && So it would calculate it only once
lcParentKeyExp = alltrim(ParentKey)
select (m.lcAlias)
luOldKey = oldval(m.lcParentKeyExp, m.lcAlias)
luNewKey = evaluate(m.lcParentKeyExp)
select RIDefinitions
* If this is a self-join, we may have an update trigger because the FK field
* in the "child" copy of the table was changed (which really is an insert
* trigger), so let's handle it if we have a restrict insert rule. The reason
* we don't handle it in a CASE below is that the user may have changed both
* the parent and foreign key fields.
if m.lcParent == m.lcChild && very rare case
select (m.lcAlias)
luOldFK = oldval(m.lcChildKeyExp, m.lcAlias)
luNewFK = evaluate(m.lcChildKeyExp)
select RIDefinitions
if m.luOldFK <> m.luNewFK and ;
substr(m.lcRules, cnRIINFO_INSERT, 1) = 'R'
Restrict_Insert(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luNewFK, m.lcTriggerType, m.lcParentTag )
endif luOldFK <> luNewFK ...
endif lcParent = lcChild
do case
* The parent key wasn't changed or an error occurred, so we have nothing to do.
case m.plError or m.luOldKey = m.luNewKey
* If the parent key has been changed, call the appropriate function, depending
* on whether this is a cascade or restrict rule.
case m.lcRIInfo = 'C'
Cascade_Update(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luOldKey, m.luNewKey)
case m.lcRIInfo = 'R'
Restrict_Update(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luOldKey, m.luNewKey, m.lcChildTag)
endif not empty(lcRIInfo) ...
* If this is a delete trigger and this relation has our table as the parent,
* let's process it. We'll ignore it if the RI rule is empty or "ignore".
case m.lcTriggerType = 'DELETE'
lcRIInfo = DelTrigger
if not empty(m.lcRIInfo) and m.lcRIInfo <> 'I'
if not alltrim(ParentKey) == m.lcParentKeyExp && So it would calculate it only once
lcParentKeyExp = alltrim(ParentKey)
select (m.lcAlias)
luNewKey = evaluate(m.lcParentKeyExp)
select RIDefinitions
* Call the appropriate function, depending on whether this is a cascade or
* restrict rule.
do case
case m.lcRIInfo = 'C'
Cascade_Delete(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luNewKey)
case m.lcRIInfo = 'R'
Restrict_Delete(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luNewKey, m.lcChildTag)
endif not empty(lcRIInfo) ...
** Now do the same for the child
if inlist(m.lcTriggerType,"INSERT","UPDATE") && there are no restrictions on delete, if it's a child table
select RIDefinitions
lcChild = m.lcTable
lcChildKeyExp = ""
scan for upper(ChildTB) = m.lcSearch and not m.plError
lcParent = alltrim(ParentTB)
lcParentTag = alltrim(ParentTag)
lcChildTag = alltrim(ChildTag)
lcParentKeyExp = alltrim(ParentKey)
if vartype(m.pcCascadeParent) = "C" and m.pcCascadeParent = m.lcParent
** In this case we do nothing - otherwise we're burried in recursion
* If this relation has our table as the child, let's process it. We'll only
* process a "restrict" rule in either an insert or update trigger.
lcRIInfo = InsTrigger
if m.lcRIInfo = 'R'
if not m.lcChildKeyExp == alltrim(ChildKey) && we don't want to evaluate more times than needed
lcChildKeyExp = alltrim(ChildKey)
select (m.lcAlias)
luNewKey = evaluate(m.lcChildKeyExp)
luOldKey = oldval(m.lcChildKeyExp, m.lcAlias)
select RIDefinitions
* If this is an insert trigger or if it's an update trigger and the foreign key
* has changed, call the Restrict_Insert function to ensure the foreign key
* exists in the parent table.
if m.lcTriggerType = 'INSERT' or m.luOldKey <> m.luNewKey
Restrict_Insert(m.lcParent, m.lcChild, m.lcParentKeyExp, ;
m.lcChildKeyExp, m.luNewKey, m.lcTriggerType, m.lcParentTag)
endif lcTriggerType <> 'UPDATE' ...
endif lcRIInfo = 'R'
* If we're at the top trigger level, either end the transaction or roll it
* back, depending on whether the trigger succeeded or not, close any tables we
* opened, restore the things we changed, and return whether we succeeded or
* not.
if _triggerlevel = 1
if m.llManualCleanUp
if m.plError
end transaction
endif plError
* If we're not at the top trigger level, return .T. so we don't trigger an
* error yet.
endif _triggerlevel = 1
return not m.plError
* CleanUp procedure
function RICleanUp(tlEscaped)
if m.tlEscaped and messagebox("Are you sure you want to stop the trigger's execution?",4+16,"Stop execution") = 7
local lnTables, laTables[1], lnI
if not empty(m.pcOldDBC)
set database to (m.pcOldDBC)
if _triggerlevel = 1
if m.plError or m.tlEscaped
end transaction
endif plError
** Gregory Adam suggested in the thread #1002645 to only close tables in Default DS
if set("Datasession") > 1 && we're dealing with private DS, don't need to close
lnTables = aused(laTables)
for lnI = 1 to m.lnTables
lcTable = laTables[m.lnI, 1]
if not empty(m.lcTable) and ascan(paUsed, m.lcTable) = 0
use in (m.lcTable)
endif not empty(lcTable) ...
next lnI
if m.pcExact = "OFF"
set exact off
if m.pcANSI = "OFF"
set ansi off
if m.pcDeleted = "OFF"
set deleted off
on error &pcError
** this command is not supported in Ole Db
on escape &pcOnEscape
* Cascade update function: change the foreign key field in all child records
* that belong to the parent record.
function Cascade_Update(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuOldKey, ;
local laError[1]
private pcCascadeParent
pcCascadeParent = m.tcParentTable
* Do the cascading update. Log any error that occurred.
if not isnull(m.tuOldKey )
update (m.tcChildTable) ;
set &tcChildKey = m.tuNewKey ;
where &tcChildKey = m.tuOldKey
if m.plError
LogRIError(laError[1], laError[2], 'Cascade Update', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuNewKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuOldKey)
endif plError
* Cascade delete function: delete all child records that belong to the parent
* record.
function Cascade_Delete(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuOldKey, ;
local laError[1]
if not isnull(m.tuOldKey)
delete ;
from (m.tcChildTable) ;
where &tcChildKey = m.tuOldKey
if m.plError
LogRIError(laError[1], laError[2], 'Cascade Delete', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuNewKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuOldKey)
endif plError
* Restrict delete function: see if there are any records in the specified child
* table matching the specified key in the parent table.
function Restrict_Delete(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuKey, tcTag)
local lcTable
if not isnull(m.tuKey)
lcTable = strtran(m.tcChildTable, ' ', '_')
if not used(m.lcTable)
use (m.tcChildTable) again in 0 shared alias (m.lcTable)
endif not used(lcTable)
if indexseek(m.tuKey, .f., m.lcTable, m.tcTag) && Record exists
* if keymatch(m.tuKey,tagno(m.tcTag, '', m.lcTable), m.lcTable) && Record exists
plError = .t.
LogRIError(cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED, 'Trigger Failed', 'Restrict Delete', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuKey)
endif _tally > 0
* Restrict update function: see if there are any records in the specified child
* table matching the specified key in the parent table.
function Restrict_Update(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuOldKey, ;
tuNewKey, tcTag)
local lcTable
if not isnull(m.tuOldKey)
lcTable = strtran(m.tcChildTable, ' ', '_')
if not used(m.lcTable)
use (m.tcChildTable) again in 0 shared alias (m.lcTable)
endif not used(lcTable)
if indexseek(m.tuOldKey, .f., m.lcTable, m.tcTag) && Record exists
* if keymatch(m.tuOldKey,tagno(m.tcTag, '', m.lcTable), m.lcTable) && Record exists
plError = .t.
LogRIError(cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED, 'Trigger Failed', 'Restrict Update', ;
m.tcParentTable, iif(used(m.tcParentTable),recno(m.tcParentTable),0), ;
m.tcParentKey, m.tuNewKey, ;
m.tcChildTable, 0, m.tcChildKey, m.tuOldKey)
endif _tally > 0
* Restrict insert function: ensure a record in the parent table for the foreign
* key exists.
* CFK - 5/28
* Or if the foreign key is null, no parent record is needed.
* The logic is this:
* if you specify in the dbc that a child cannot exist with out a parent,
* you can laxly enforce that by allowing nulls in that feild
* and this code will allow that setting to be overridden
* by setting the foreign key to null
* or,
* you can strictly enforce it by not allowing nulls, and then it will
* pass this test, but fail the "allow nulls" test that the
* database engine enforces.
function Restrict_Insert(tcParentTable, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tcParentKey, ;
tcChildKey, ;
tuKey, ;
tcTriggerType, tcTag)
local lcTable
* CFK - 5/28
* If the key is Null, don't check for a parent, let it pass.
if !isnull( m.tuKey )
lcTable = strtran(m.tcParentTable, ' ', '_')
if not used(m.lcTable)
use (m.tcParentTable) again in 0 shared alias (m.lcTable)
endif not used(lcTable)
if not indexseek(m.tuKey,.f.,m.lcTable,m.tcTag)
* if not keymatch(m.tuKey,tagno(m.tcTag, '', m.lcTable), m.lcTable) && Record doesn't exist
plError = .t.
LogRIError(cnERR_TRIGGER_FAILED, 'Trigger Failed', 'Restrict ' + ;
proper(m.tcTriggerType), m.tcParentTable, 0, m.tcParentKey, 'Not Found', ;
m.tcChildTable, iif(used(m.tcChildTable),recno(m.tcChildTable),0), ;
m.tcChildKey, m.tuKey)
endif laCount[1] = 0
endif !isnull( tuKey )
* Log errors to the public gaError array.
procedure LogRIError(tnErrNo, ;
tcMessage, ;
tcCode, ;
tcParentTable, ;
tnParentRec, ;
tcParentExp, ;
tuParentKey, ;
tcChildTable, ;
tnChildRec, ;
tcChildExp, ;
local lnErrorRows, ;
plError = .t.
* Add another row to the error array if necessary.
lnErrorRows = alen(gaErrors, 1)
if type('gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 1]') <> 'L'
lnErrorRows = lnErrorRows + 1
dimension gaErrors[lnErrorRows, alen(gaErrors, 2)]
endif type('gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 1]') <> 'L'
* Log the error information, including the parameters passed to us and the
* program stack.
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 1] = tnErrNo
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 2] = tcMessage
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 3] = evl(tcCode,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 4] = ''
for lnLevel = 1 to program(-1)
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 4] = gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 4] + ',' + ;
next lnLevel
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 5] = evl(tcParentTable,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 6] = evl(tnParentRec,0)
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 7] = evl(tuParentKey,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 8] = evl(tcParentExp,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 9] = evl(tcChildTable,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 10] = evl(tnChildRec,0)
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 11] = evl(tuChildKey,"")
gaErrors[lnErrorRows, 12] = evl(tcChildExp,"")
return tnErrNo
**__RI_FOOTER!@ Do NOT REMOVE or MODIFY this line!@!__RI_FOOTER**
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure cancelled
Igor Korolyov

Сообщений: 34580
Дата регистрации: 28.05.2002
Hi Nadya!

Ситуация с OLE DB и тем паче ODBC вообще плачевная - я посмотрел и пришёл к
выводу, что разобраться в этой "нечеловеческой" логике практически
невозможно. Да макро формально разрешены - как для ODBC так и для OleDB - но
они НЕ работают - происходит Feature not avaliable (оно может при этом
ловится обработчиком по ON ERROR !) - а вот на ON ERROR &lcOldError -
скажем не ругается
Доходит до маразма - скажем если в Rule висит какая-то проверка, и она
содержит макро И окружена простейшим обработчиком ошибок - то становится
возможным в таблицу внести данные, противоречащие этому правилу В самой
среде это невозможно - мы скорее зациклимся на ошибочном состоянии (окно с
Cancel, потом с Revert и так по кругу)...
Насчёт #DEFINE - хотя для меня это полная загадка, но они реально не
работают в ODBC но вроде проходят через OLE DB - странно тут то, что я
всегда полагал, что фокс работает по ObjCode в соответствующей записи вис -
а там никаких #DEFINE и в помине нету! А он видимо где-то "внутрях"
производит перекомпиляцию ?!?! исходного текста ХП...

В общем то надо было бы поглубже покопаться, да времени увы нет - эти тесты
и так пол-дня отъели

WBR, Igor
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive
Re: Procedure cancelled

Сообщений: 1796
Дата регистрации: 09.10.2003

Thanks a lot for your tests. I'm still trying to optimize this procedure. My latest idea was to put all command in the table and evaluate them on the fly. However, it seems like I'm going in circle, e.g. all my latest optimization ideas actually slow this stupid thing down. I spent already ~ 1+ week working on RI and testing-re-testing again and again... I started bunch of threads on UT describing my attempts and got lots of advices, half of them I tried with the negative result
Ratings: 0 negative/0 positive

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